2 10 2012

I get so tired of seeing reports and reading about the abortion issue.  Over and over again, day after day for years now, I have heard about this one issue.  I am really sick and tired of hearing about it.

God set up this world in His own way.  I had nothing to do with it and neither did any other human being that I know of.  But there are always people who want to run everything, so they have been trying to change God’s Laws for a long time.  Most of this started in the 1960’s with the advent of the hippie class and their philosophies.  What they chose to believe was their business.  Not mine.  I have my own beliefs and I really don’t appreciate having someone tell me what I should or should not believe.

I believe in God and want to follow His ways.  Every single day of my life.  I have always felt this way.  And I try to do what I am supposed to no matter what it might be that day.   I firmly believe that abortion is murder.  Plain and simple murder.  Abortion seems to be a matter of out of sight, out of mind.  Cannot see the baby, so it is alright to kill it.   Maybe it would help if the mother were required to eat the baby after she kills it like some of the animals do.  Wouldn’t that be horrible though.  But then killing the baby is equally or more horrible.

And how is abortion any different than killing an old woman who has outlived her usefulness.  This could just as easily be done.  Pretty soon, people will be advocating that.  Saves money you know.

Of course advocates of abortion push the choice button.  What choice.  A woman has a multitude of ways to keep from becoming pregnant.  So why does she need a choice.   Obviously by the time she is pregnant, she has already made her choice.  And God is fully aware of the choice she has made.

When all is said and done, God will be the one who decides if her choice is a good one or a bad one.  She will have no choice in that decision. So, although I am 100% against abortion, I will not judge anyone.  That is God’s place, not mine.   God will take care of all that when it is His time.

Meanwhile, I am sick and tired of hearing all the rhetoric about how wonderful abortion is for everyone.  Just take a look at those holding up the signs advocating murdering a child.   Somehow, they all look the same.   Wonder if that is a side effect of abortion.


18 09 2012

Every time I turn on the television set, I have to sit through this ‘program’ all about what Mitt Romney said about those poor, poor people out there.  Well, I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of all the hoopla about what he said.

He said 47% of the people are on the dole in some way and they will not be voting for him because they want to continue on the dole and they know that he will not continue to run the government as a nanny state. Period.  End of subject.

There is nothing wrong about what he said and I am glad he said it.  He has also said we won’t be killing the babies and the old people anymore.  And he said we all will learn something about responsibility for our own lives.  Hooray!  I hope to hear a whole lot more about all this. Finally, someone has the guts and the wherewithall to say it out loud. About time!

I am sick of hearing  about those ‘poor, poor people out there who don’t want to work and never will work.  They can’t afford a house to live in and have to live in a tent.   And I am sick of providing so they can do just that.  I am sick of hearing about those poor people who drag their children around with them and those poor children will never know any better.  It is enough!

So instead of trying to beat the system and living on the dole, they should learn a little responsibility like how to take a shower, get a haircut or at least comb their hair, shine their shoes and go out and get a job.  There are jobs out there.  Might not pay what someone wants and might not be the perfect job for that college educated whizbang person, but something is there.  And everyone has  to start somewhere.  Everyone that has a decent life had to start somewhere.  That is how anyone builds that good life and builds that business and builds that family.  Someone has to begin.   That is the first thing that has to be done.  Begin.

No one should want to be a part of that 47%.  Build a life.  Do it for yourself.  No one else can do it for you – ever.

I’ll be voting for Mitt Romney, that is for sure.  And hoping some of this madness will finally stop.  Been going on since 1960.  Time for it to be over.


4 09 2012

I sure would like to go home today.  Not to a house particularly, but to home in my heart.  I think of my parents and our life in their home and how happy we all were most days.  I sure would like to go back there sometime.  It was wonderful.

And I think of the little house we lived in as a young couple with 1, 2, and then 3 children.  That was a wonderful place, too.  Just those toddlers and their smiles and their cries and their learning, always learning.  Would like to see all that again, too.

And then next was the horrible place where everything went wrong all the time.  No money, a sick baby, run down house, lost everything.  Don’t want to ever go there again.  And hope I never do.

Next was a terrible rent house full of dirt and trouble also.  Still no money and an alcoholic lifestyle and trouble, trouble, trouble. Don’t miss that one, either.

Then when things got better, there was the house with all the children under my feet and the recovery of the alcoholic and the constant teaching of the damaged child.  It was a hard time, but not too bad.

And then we finally made it back to sanity and lived in a wonderful house with all those wonderful kids growing up and growing up way too fast.  The many carpools and meals to be prepared and washing to be done and vacuuming constantly.  Would love to go back and just visit there for an afternoon with all my children in the kitchen and lots and lots of noise and listening to all their conversations at once.  Absolutely wonderful.

Next was another really nice place but some of the children were gone now. Still miss them to this day, not for now, but for then.  Back to the times when they were growing up and stretching their long legs and big feet   under the table and learning to drive and write checks and learning everything.

And then to this big empty place where I am lost sometimes, looking for everyone.  I just wish I could go home, back where I belong, back to those places from before with all the children at home and all that noise and commotion and much too busy days.  I sure would like to go home.

If you would like to go home,too, then look at my books.  #2503 is the one about my parents and their home; In The 1940’s tells of those times growing up during the World War II years and loving every minute of it; The Wonderful 1950’s is all about those years before the troubles began when those toddlers were filling my days; and then The Real Story tells about those alcoholic years and the recovery and success afterwards.  It also tells of earlier years when my father was growing up and the tremendous success he obtained in his life, going from abject poverty to being a very successful individual.

All my books are $12 each including postage.  Or you can buy any 3 for $30 including postage.  Just send check or money order to BET, P.O. Box 2249, Benton, AR   72018.     Thanks.

Think I’ll go dream about going home now.   Sure would like to.


1 09 2012

Do you remember when nobody ever used shampoo to wash their hair?  Well, I do.  We were all perfectly happy just washing our hair with a bar of soap, rinsing it really good, and then pouring a small amount of vinegar and water over it, rinsing that out and then having beautiful, lustrous, thick, lovely hair. Or at least we thought it was.

And then the Halo girl came on the radio.  She was the one who sang, ‘Halo everybody, Halo’   And we were all crowded around our radio listening to the Sunday evening shows and also to the Halo girl.  So,  we all went out and bought a bottle of Halo.  But that was an unnecessary expense to us, so we didn’t buy it again.  Instead, we went right back to washing our hair with the bar of soap.  Suited us just fine anyway.  My mother never wasted money on anything, so to buy a bottle of unnecessary shampoo was downright disgusting.  But we girls had tried it once and that was all that was necessary anyway.

When I got married and was on my own later, I did buy myself some Halo shampoo, but when it was gone, that was it.  I used that bar of soap again and it worked fine. In fact, I used a bar of soap most of my life to wash my hair.  And I was always satisfied with my way.  People who could save rainwater (like those who lived in the country and had a rain barrel outside their  house,) those people washed their hair in rainwater because it was supposed to be softer water.  If you lived in a hard water area, the soap would not suds and it made washing anything difficult.  Fortunately, in our town, we had soft water so didn’t have to be concerned about any of that.

Now you can go in any big box store or grocery store or drug store and see rows and rows of shampoo for sale.  And not a single bar of soap is on that aisle.  But still, I sometimes wash my hair with a bar of soap and rinse it with that vinegar and water mixture.  Keeps my hair dark and easy to manage and thick and all those good things.

Just shut your eyes and imagine a world without shampoo.  I can.  Just wondered if you remember all that.  Well, I do.

If you would like to know more about how things really were during the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s, then you need to buy my books.

#2503 was my address when I was growing up.  #2503 tells the stories of a normal family during those earlier years and how it really was.  A lot of fun and happiness and humor and living history.

IN THE 1940’S  tells all about the world as we knew it during the World War II years  and all the things remembered such as rationing of shoes and foods.  Another good dose of history and humor as well as the many differences  in our lives.  A good dose of patriotism is there also.

THE WONDERFUL 1950’S  tells of the changes, changes and more changes in our lives during this exciting time.  The world was really moving on with new things  including the changes in communications such as the new fangled television sets and again, lots of happiness and humor .

These three books make wonderful gifts for Christmas.  Seniors love them because they can relate to everything in the books.  Even young children love them because it tells of a time they do not know.  Teachers read them to their students and tell me the children ask for more.  If you want a good dose of happiness, humor, and history, just purchase these books.  You will definitely enjoy them.

Each book is $12 including postage.  Or you can buy all three for a grand total of $30 including all postage.  Give them a try.  You will be glad you did.

Just send check or money order to BET   P.O. Box 2249  Benton, AR   72018    and I will get them right out to you.  Thanks!



28 08 2012

Finally figured out what is wrong with me.  Have not been feeling very well for awhile and yet nothing really wrong.  Finally went to the doctor and asked for a steroid shot thinking that would make me feel better but it did not.  And then I realized that I had dehydrated myself.  That is it!  That is what has been ruining my life.  Just simple as that.

I always drink  tea.  Have been doing that for years and never noticed that it bothered me in particular.  But I had added another cup per day in the last year.  And then I have been eating a piece of chocolate candy after lunch and another piece of chocolate candy at bedtime.  Between the two, that has been enough caffeine to dehydrate me.  

Some of the problems I have had are worse eyesight, worse hearing, very forgetful, weight loss of about 10 pounds, no muscle tone anywhere at all, wrinkled like an old tree, indigestion a lot of the time, off balance at times, very tired at times and shortness of breath after climbing stairs and messed up blood pressure, rising at night mostly.   Now, I did not have any of those problems until about the last six or eight  months.  About the same time I added the chocolate to my daily diet.  Then it has been a gradual increase in some of these over the months.  Feeling really old when I did not feel that way before.

Makes me wonder about some of this. Is this what is wrong with a lot of older people?  Could it be remedied by just simply drinking more water?  Sure makes me think about it all.  

I filled a two quart pitcher with water today and will drink that full every day no matter what.  Should be o.k. in a matter of a few more months.  Am looking forward to that.  Especially if my hearing and sight and memory all get better.

May feel really young again and that would be fun. Maybe. Don’t want to be young again anyway. Once around that block is enough for me!





27 08 2012

Had 20 children and families here yesterday for July, August and September birthdays.  We celebrate every 3 to 4 months depending upon how many there are.  We had 11 birthdays to celebrate yesterday.   It was fun for all.  Always is.  We sing Happy Birthday to Everybody and enjoy the ice cream and cake.  It is a great time for visiting and enjoying the special company.

Almost all the cake was gone by the time the party ended.  And everyone had a sack of fun presents to take home.  We do not give expensive nor special presents.  Just items from the Dollar Store and fun things.  For instance, yesterday, everyone got a fireman’s hat fit for a 3 year old.  And they were all proud of them.  Some of them were wearing them for the afternoon.  Such things are just pure fun. And what is wrong with that.  Everything doesn’t have to be serious and grim.  Laughter is the best part anyway.

There were 4 different families here yesterday plus some who are not official families yet, but will be this year.  And then another generation will be coming along.  What fun!  I am so glad I have this big family and glad everyone gets along and is happy in their own lives.  God has truly been good to me and I appreciate that more than anything.  

Happy Birthday to All!!!


19 08 2012

I’m sure it is just me, but I am wondering where in the heck all the parents have gone. I read in the papers, hear on the radio and see on the television that the whole community is gathering together to provide for all those things that the children need to start school.  They emphasize that the child must feel wanted, loved, and happy in order to start the new school year. This means he needs all the school supplies packed in a backpack.  And he needs a new haircut and school clothes and whatever else he might want.  And all this is provided happily by the community.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I am not against any of this. I agree with this wholeheartedly.  It does help the child to get a good start in school for the coming year.

But my point is – where in the heck are the parents of these children.  I know not everyone is out of work.  And besides, if they are willing to work, they can find something to do to earn a little bit of money, enough to provide for their child to start to school.  Why are those parents not providing for their own children.

Believe me, I know what it is like to be flat broke over and over again.  And yet, somehow, some way, my husband and I always provided for those children to start to school.  And ours went to the parochial school where we had to buy uniforms, too.  And when I was really broke, we would eat frozen food that had been stored before we were so broke and buy one uniform for each child. Then I would wash and iron this one uniform each afternoon so they could wear it again the next day and the next and the next.  

My parents provided for us also.  My father used to complain about having to pay the fees the schools assessed each family for those supplies we used at school. He said he paid taxes that were supposed to provide for that since public schools were supposed to be free for each child.  And he definitely had a point but that is another subject.  My point is that the parents should be providing for their own children these days just like we did before. 

Instead, there is so little learning done in the public schools these days that most of those parents cannot keep a checkbook or even keep up with their own cash.  They do not pay their bills.  They do not provide even food for their children.  Why.  Why.    Why.  Is this but another example of what the 1960’s and its terrible behavior did to us?  And it has been handed down in the generations of those who will not work, will not try, will not provide for their own?  

It is time for all these handouts to stop. It is time to require those parents to provide for their own children.  Instead, they are providing for themselves and let the community, i.e. government, provide for their offspring.  I don’t think so.  It is not the business of the government to provide.  It is the responsibility and the job of those parents to provide for their own children.  Period.  It should be required from each of them constantly, every day, until they get the idea of what responsibility means.  Evidently they do not know the meaning of the word.  It is Time!!!!

No child should grow up thinking that he gets his food from the school, his haircut free, and his school supplies provided with no input from his parents.  I personally think all this free stuff should be charged to the parents and they should be required to pay before they eat out, buy something shiny at the store, and buy more  drugs.  As is said, if you are willing to put up with this, then you can expect to put up with this.  Hopefully, the new administration of Romney and Ryan will put a stop to this behavior.  I certainly hope so.

Vote Republican this time around.  Our very existence as a free country depends upon your vote.  Vote Republican! 


11 08 2012

Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart.

By this consecration, I intend to live with you and through you that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, a conversion that will free me of every attachment to myself and to easy compromises with the world so that, like you, I may be available only to do always the Will of the Father.

I resolve to entrust to you my life, O Mother most sweet and merciful, that you may dispose of it according to your designs of salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world.  I pledge to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist, the daily recitation of the holy Rosary, and an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the observance of the law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of purity.

I promise to lead other souls with whom I come in contact to the practice of the First Saturday Devotions.

Realizing that atheism has caused a loss of faith to a great number of souls and that evil and sin are spreading throughout the world, I lift my eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and my merciful, loving and powerful Mother, and I ask again today and await from Our Lord the salvation of all your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.


10 08 2012

A friend died last week.  He was also a neighbor.  Just an ordinary guy with a wife, 4 sons, and a small business.  He was a great father to those boys.  He was always taking them hunting or fishing or 4-wheeling.  He spent all his spare time with them teaching them all sorts of things that were important to him and to them.  They followed him around like ducklings, some even imitating his walk.  They were a true delight to see.

He was riding his motorcycle to work and didn’t see the car.  There was no way he could avoid the collision, and he was gone in an instant.  Seems like such an unnecessary loss.  But then, God always has His reasons for everything.  I try to remember that every day of my life.  So, although I do not know what His reasons are, I understand this is not all in vain.

For myself, I thank God for letting him cross my path in life.  He was a delight to know and I am sorry he is gone.  I will miss him.  So will a lot of other people.


9 08 2012

We have all heard a million times about hope and change.  Don’t really know what that means.  It took $68 to fill my car with gas this last weekend.  Guess that means I hope, I hope, I hope that changes soon.  Or maybe it means that I no longer get any change from my dollar bills.  Not sure which it means.  

I just hope that the change is that those who know the business start drilling for oil in this country so we can have some good, cheap gasoline in the next couple of years.  That shouldn’t be too hard to do.  There is enough oil below the ground to last us all the rest of our lives.   Why are we not using it!  It is time.  I am tired of hearing about the animals that we need to protect.   I’m sure you have seen the bears on the television screen who are so over-abundant that they are stealing candy from the candy store.  It is time to quit all this nonsense and get the good old U.S.A.back to being the country it has been for a long, long time.   Time for everyone to get up in the morning, put their shoes on and go to work.  Time to stop being important and go home and raise a family.  Time to start teaching the children what life is all about and that means responsibility, responsibility, responsibility.  

Maybe that is what is meant by the term, Hope and Change.  Sure hope so.  We sure do need some change.