17 10 2012

I married very young. In fact, I had only been 18 a month when I married for better or worse, etc. And I meant every single word of it.  So did he.  It has lasted a long, long time.

But when I was first married, I was determined to learn to cook and cook really good.  Everyone else seemed to know how, so I would too. I had some new cookbooks and so I spent a lot of time reading through them picking out what I thought sounded really good.  And easy.  And impressive.  Of course.  I worked full time and didn’t have a lot of time for cooking, but I was definitely determined.

On this day, I had read about blanched spaghetti.  Now that sounded truly marvelous since I had never even heard of it. So I decided I would have that for supper.  Didn’t sound hard to fix either.  I just put a pan of water on the stove and cooked the spaghetti.  Then it said in order to blanche it, all you had to do was pour cold water over it  Even I could manage that one!

So I prepared all the rest of the dinner for my new husband and I and then prepared the blanched spaghetti.  We sat down, smiling at one another as usual.  I was so proud of everything new that I did.  We ate in silence.  But we both enjoyed the meal.  Then he got up from the table and said, ‘I never ate cold spaghetti before.’  I said, ‘I didn’t either.  But I don’t think I will fix that one again.’  He smiled and agreed and we both went on about our business.  It was awhile before I understood what I had prepared. Just spaghetti that had been washed so it wouldn’t stick together after cooking.

I don’t recommend fixing blanched spaghetti for your supper tonight. But it sounded good back then.  Life was wonderful and  I wouldn’t have missed those times for anything in the world.

Since then, I have learned a lot about cooking and how to feed all those hungry kids and make them think it is a really good meal.  But I never tried blanched spaghetti again.  Don’t think I could sell any of them on that.

I have a really good cookbook out now.  It’s called Bet’s Cookbook and has a lot of original recipes and some not so original in it.  It tells exactly how to put together really good meals that don’t cost much and are easy to prepare.  My kids loved all my cooking and that is the best recommendation I could ever have.   If you might be interested in buying one of my cookbooks, please send $12 including postage to BET, P.O. Box 2249, Benton, AR  72018.  I have other really great books, too.  Look me up on Amazon sometime.

But don’t fix blanched spaghetti.



1 10 2012

There are a lot of things going on these days that I just simply am  sick and tired of.  I noticed that we now have a shortage or an upcoming or at least they think we will have a shortage of bacon.  Well, so what!  We can live without bacon if we have to, you know.

In 1957, there was a shortage of a lot of things.  I know because I had just had a new baby and could not buy some of the groceries I really needed and had to drive all over the place to find them.   First, we had a shortage of coffee.  Oh my!  The world just about flipped over that one.  We all heard about how in Columbia, there was a shortage of something and this made us all have a shortage of coffee.  Well, people were hanging onto their coffee cups and whining a lot over that one.

Next, we had a shortage of sugar.  Of course this made the price go sky high.   And did I mention that by now, coffee was about tripled in price?  Well, sugar soon was, too.  No one could run their household in those years without that five pound bag of sugar.  Had to have that just to get up in the morning.  There were no sugar substitutes to lean on and no one ever considered just doing without it.  Absolutely no way we could exist without sugar.

There were a lot more shortages, in fact about 5 or 6  really standard items that we all depended on and that suddenly went short.  Meat was another one, if I remember correctly.  But I really don’t remember all the rest of them.  The result was that prices went up.  Isn’t that the intended result anyway?  Higher grocery prices and then everyone can explain why. Suddenly coffee went up and then sugar and then the meat.  Well, we all just had to adjust and lower our standard of living in order to buy groceries.  That was the intended plan all along anyway.

Now we have a shortage of gasoline for our cars.  Shame on us for having a car anyway.   We should all be out hoofing it everywhere and riding that bus that is never on time or the subway or the streetcar or thumbing a ride to WalMart.  Of course the prices on gasoline have been going up quite a lot.  But no one really explains why we have a shortage in the first place.  Could it just happen to be so that they – whoever they are – can raise the prices?  And then when the election gets closer, the prices begin to come down so that those in charge, whoever they are, can now say – Oh Lookie, the price of gasoline has gone down.  And those in charge take full credit.  How convenient.

Maybe if we could just drill for our own oil and provide for our own gasoline, maybe we could have a decent price on our gas.  But then, those in charge could not take credit for that one.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I am with Robin Williams who recently said we should offer all those oil producing nations $10 a barrel for oil and then they can like it or lump it.  If they decide to lump it, they can sell their oil to someone else in the world.  Meanwhile, we’ll just produce all our own products.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  Wouldn’t that be normal once again?  Maybe, just maybe if we vote for the right people this time around, we can see our country begin to progress once again.   Maybe we can drill for our own oil and run our own pipe lines and quit protecting those overpopulated bears and wolves and spiders and whatever else those environmentalists can come up with.  Wouldn’t that be nice, though.

I remember a normal time with no one trying to run everything their way.  I do remember that. Maybe we can have it again.  Sure hope so.



10 09 2012

Old times were not necessarily any better than now, just different. Did you know that it was not common practice to use a hair brush to brush your hair?  We all used combs.  And the latest thing was the rat tail comb.  I very well remember those!  I had this frizzy, fine hair that after combing just frizzed right back up again. When I was in grammar school and before, my grandmother combed my hair every morning.  And then she braided it, although we called it plaiting it.  I hated that!

She would comb through my hair and of course it bounced right back into tangles again.  And she combed and combed until I was crying every morning and hitting her on the knees.  I sat in a small chair at her knee height and had to endure this torture every day.  She did the best she could as she was always, always a very kind sweet woman. But it still hurt.  My head ached from the pulling of my hair.  But it had to be combed and so that is what she did.  

Hair brushes came into popularity much later than that. After I was at least 15 or older.  Of course we always got a machine permanent before we started school each year.  This was a big deal, too.  Another day of enduring sheer torture while my hair was washed, combed, rolled up on machine rollers, and then cooked. Afterwards my hair was even more frizzed.  In fact, I looked like Orphan Annie and that was definitely not the look I was wishing for.  Hated that!  I wanted to look beautiful like the movie stars with their pageboy long sleek hair.  And mine was a frizzed mop standing straight up on top of my head.  

Then it was combed and combed again so I looked even worse.  But everyone in the know talked about how beautiful I was.  Bull!  I didn’t think so at all.  But getting back to the hairbrushes:  Every time I see a rat tail comb, I want to scream at someone for the many times that comb hurt my head. But somehow I survived and I got a new hairbrush when I was old enough to warrant one and after that, I never, ever had to endure that torture of having my hair combed by anyone.  

In fact, If you want to know a cure for all that, just fix up a spray bottle of half apple cider vinegar and half water and spray your hair before combing or brushing.  It makes all the tangles come right out and the hair will be nice and smooth.  Also, it will keep your hair in its natural color and not let it turn gray.  And that is real plus.  

You can read all about those old times in my books, you know.  Just order from BET  P.O. Box 2249, Benton,AR  72018.  They are all well worth the cost of $10 each plus $2 postage.   Or you can buy any 3 for $25 including postage.  Really great books and full of humor and living history.

#2503 is all about the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.  In The 1940’s is obviously all about the 1940’s and the World War II years and how different our life was.  The Wonderful 1950’s is about the changing times during those truly wonderful years.  And then I have a great cookbook that leads you through cooking for a family.  If you want good, nutritious, crowd pleasing recipes, they are in this book.  They are also quick and very easy with lots of tips to help you along the way. And I also have a newer book entitled The Real Story which tells of my father who was born into terrible poverty and his rise to be quite successful.  My husband’s story is also there about how he conquered his alcoholism and became very successful.  Give any of my books a try.  

The books also make wonderful gifts for ages 8 through 85.  Anyone on your Christmas list would love one!


1 09 2012

Do you remember when nobody ever used shampoo to wash their hair?  Well, I do.  We were all perfectly happy just washing our hair with a bar of soap, rinsing it really good, and then pouring a small amount of vinegar and water over it, rinsing that out and then having beautiful, lustrous, thick, lovely hair. Or at least we thought it was.

And then the Halo girl came on the radio.  She was the one who sang, ‘Halo everybody, Halo’   And we were all crowded around our radio listening to the Sunday evening shows and also to the Halo girl.  So,  we all went out and bought a bottle of Halo.  But that was an unnecessary expense to us, so we didn’t buy it again.  Instead, we went right back to washing our hair with the bar of soap.  Suited us just fine anyway.  My mother never wasted money on anything, so to buy a bottle of unnecessary shampoo was downright disgusting.  But we girls had tried it once and that was all that was necessary anyway.

When I got married and was on my own later, I did buy myself some Halo shampoo, but when it was gone, that was it.  I used that bar of soap again and it worked fine. In fact, I used a bar of soap most of my life to wash my hair.  And I was always satisfied with my way.  People who could save rainwater (like those who lived in the country and had a rain barrel outside their  house,) those people washed their hair in rainwater because it was supposed to be softer water.  If you lived in a hard water area, the soap would not suds and it made washing anything difficult.  Fortunately, in our town, we had soft water so didn’t have to be concerned about any of that.

Now you can go in any big box store or grocery store or drug store and see rows and rows of shampoo for sale.  And not a single bar of soap is on that aisle.  But still, I sometimes wash my hair with a bar of soap and rinse it with that vinegar and water mixture.  Keeps my hair dark and easy to manage and thick and all those good things.

Just shut your eyes and imagine a world without shampoo.  I can.  Just wondered if you remember all that.  Well, I do.

If you would like to know more about how things really were during the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s, then you need to buy my books.

#2503 was my address when I was growing up.  #2503 tells the stories of a normal family during those earlier years and how it really was.  A lot of fun and happiness and humor and living history.

IN THE 1940’S  tells all about the world as we knew it during the World War II years  and all the things remembered such as rationing of shoes and foods.  Another good dose of history and humor as well as the many differences  in our lives.  A good dose of patriotism is there also.

THE WONDERFUL 1950’S  tells of the changes, changes and more changes in our lives during this exciting time.  The world was really moving on with new things  including the changes in communications such as the new fangled television sets and again, lots of happiness and humor .

These three books make wonderful gifts for Christmas.  Seniors love them because they can relate to everything in the books.  Even young children love them because it tells of a time they do not know.  Teachers read them to their students and tell me the children ask for more.  If you want a good dose of happiness, humor, and history, just purchase these books.  You will definitely enjoy them.

Each book is $12 including postage.  Or you can buy all three for a grand total of $30 including all postage.  Give them a try.  You will be glad you did.

Just send check or money order to BET   P.O. Box 2249  Benton, AR   72018    and I will get them right out to you.  Thanks!



28 08 2012

Finally figured out what is wrong with me.  Have not been feeling very well for awhile and yet nothing really wrong.  Finally went to the doctor and asked for a steroid shot thinking that would make me feel better but it did not.  And then I realized that I had dehydrated myself.  That is it!  That is what has been ruining my life.  Just simple as that.

I always drink  tea.  Have been doing that for years and never noticed that it bothered me in particular.  But I had added another cup per day in the last year.  And then I have been eating a piece of chocolate candy after lunch and another piece of chocolate candy at bedtime.  Between the two, that has been enough caffeine to dehydrate me.  

Some of the problems I have had are worse eyesight, worse hearing, very forgetful, weight loss of about 10 pounds, no muscle tone anywhere at all, wrinkled like an old tree, indigestion a lot of the time, off balance at times, very tired at times and shortness of breath after climbing stairs and messed up blood pressure, rising at night mostly.   Now, I did not have any of those problems until about the last six or eight  months.  About the same time I added the chocolate to my daily diet.  Then it has been a gradual increase in some of these over the months.  Feeling really old when I did not feel that way before.

Makes me wonder about some of this. Is this what is wrong with a lot of older people?  Could it be remedied by just simply drinking more water?  Sure makes me think about it all.  

I filled a two quart pitcher with water today and will drink that full every day no matter what.  Should be o.k. in a matter of a few more months.  Am looking forward to that.  Especially if my hearing and sight and memory all get better.

May feel really young again and that would be fun. Maybe. Don’t want to be young again anyway. Once around that block is enough for me!





27 08 2012

Had 20 children and families here yesterday for July, August and September birthdays.  We celebrate every 3 to 4 months depending upon how many there are.  We had 11 birthdays to celebrate yesterday.   It was fun for all.  Always is.  We sing Happy Birthday to Everybody and enjoy the ice cream and cake.  It is a great time for visiting and enjoying the special company.

Almost all the cake was gone by the time the party ended.  And everyone had a sack of fun presents to take home.  We do not give expensive nor special presents.  Just items from the Dollar Store and fun things.  For instance, yesterday, everyone got a fireman’s hat fit for a 3 year old.  And they were all proud of them.  Some of them were wearing them for the afternoon.  Such things are just pure fun. And what is wrong with that.  Everything doesn’t have to be serious and grim.  Laughter is the best part anyway.

There were 4 different families here yesterday plus some who are not official families yet, but will be this year.  And then another generation will be coming along.  What fun!  I am so glad I have this big family and glad everyone gets along and is happy in their own lives.  God has truly been good to me and I appreciate that more than anything.  

Happy Birthday to All!!!


24 08 2012

Sometimes a wife just has to step in and change things.  My husband was 21 years old and already a great salesman.  He was working downtown as the floor salesman and loved his job.  He enjoyed meeting all the new people who came into the store and loved the learning part of the business.

Every day I prepared his lunch.  Most of the other men went out for lunch to nearby restaurants.  I thought to myself that it was time for him to do that too.  I knew he would resent it if I mentioned it to him, so I just made some really awful lunches.  He hated ground up meat sandwiches so that was what I fixed for a few days.  Didn’t take long until he came in one afternoon and said, ‘I didn’t eat my lunch that you fixed today.  I threw it in the wastebasket instead.  Then I went out to eat with the other guys’. I asked him why and he said he didn’t like those sandwiches I had been fixing in his lunch and he wasn’t going to eat that anymore.  I acted like it sort of upset me, but inside I was grinning all over.

After that, he never even mentioned taking his lunch again. I was glad because I didn’t have to fix it anyway, but I was especially glad that he had taken that upward step to be one of the guys and go out for lunch.  He couldn’t progress in his job if he had to always be in the office to eat his prepared lunch.  Hooray!  A step forward in his young life.

He went on to become a traveling salesman for many years and was a very successful young man.  I was always very proud and still am today.  And I will be forever glad that I fixed those awful lunches!


19 08 2012

I’m sure it is just me, but I am wondering where in the heck all the parents have gone. I read in the papers, hear on the radio and see on the television that the whole community is gathering together to provide for all those things that the children need to start school.  They emphasize that the child must feel wanted, loved, and happy in order to start the new school year. This means he needs all the school supplies packed in a backpack.  And he needs a new haircut and school clothes and whatever else he might want.  And all this is provided happily by the community.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I am not against any of this. I agree with this wholeheartedly.  It does help the child to get a good start in school for the coming year.

But my point is – where in the heck are the parents of these children.  I know not everyone is out of work.  And besides, if they are willing to work, they can find something to do to earn a little bit of money, enough to provide for their child to start to school.  Why are those parents not providing for their own children.

Believe me, I know what it is like to be flat broke over and over again.  And yet, somehow, some way, my husband and I always provided for those children to start to school.  And ours went to the parochial school where we had to buy uniforms, too.  And when I was really broke, we would eat frozen food that had been stored before we were so broke and buy one uniform for each child. Then I would wash and iron this one uniform each afternoon so they could wear it again the next day and the next and the next.  

My parents provided for us also.  My father used to complain about having to pay the fees the schools assessed each family for those supplies we used at school. He said he paid taxes that were supposed to provide for that since public schools were supposed to be free for each child.  And he definitely had a point but that is another subject.  My point is that the parents should be providing for their own children these days just like we did before. 

Instead, there is so little learning done in the public schools these days that most of those parents cannot keep a checkbook or even keep up with their own cash.  They do not pay their bills.  They do not provide even food for their children.  Why.  Why.    Why.  Is this but another example of what the 1960’s and its terrible behavior did to us?  And it has been handed down in the generations of those who will not work, will not try, will not provide for their own?  

It is time for all these handouts to stop. It is time to require those parents to provide for their own children.  Instead, they are providing for themselves and let the community, i.e. government, provide for their offspring.  I don’t think so.  It is not the business of the government to provide.  It is the responsibility and the job of those parents to provide for their own children.  Period.  It should be required from each of them constantly, every day, until they get the idea of what responsibility means.  Evidently they do not know the meaning of the word.  It is Time!!!!

No child should grow up thinking that he gets his food from the school, his haircut free, and his school supplies provided with no input from his parents.  I personally think all this free stuff should be charged to the parents and they should be required to pay before they eat out, buy something shiny at the store, and buy more  drugs.  As is said, if you are willing to put up with this, then you can expect to put up with this.  Hopefully, the new administration of Romney and Ryan will put a stop to this behavior.  I certainly hope so.

Vote Republican this time around.  Our very existence as a free country depends upon your vote.  Vote Republican! 


21 07 2012

If you are deciding what to do with your life, take a little time to get a little experience before moving on.   My husband was 20 years old and pumping gas in a service station.  He decided he needed a better job so he quit that one and went to work unloading boxcars for a local business.  First thing, he had to join a union and he didn’t care much for that issue.  In the first place, he was not interested in unions, period.  And then, he found he would have to pay union dues whether he liked it or not.  And then, it was hot summer time and he was not an outdoor person.  The heat always bothered him.

He came home after the first day and said he didn’t  know there could be so many crackers in a boxcar.  He kept that job for a few weeks and then decided that pumping gas wasn’t so bad after all, so he quit.  He didn’t really go back to pumping gas but instead went to work for a dairy.  Didn’t take but a couple of days to decide he didn’t care much for that business either. 

He cooked lots and lots of hamburgers, but everywhere he went, he was not satisfied with his life.  He drove trucks and did survey work.  Nothing satisfied him.

And then, someone mentioned that a sales job was open in a local business.  He didn’t know anything about sales but was looking for his niche in life.  He got the job and was put on probation while he learned how to sell.  That didn’t take long and he had found where he belonged in this life.  He loved the salesman’s job and soon became quite successful.  He used his selling abilities in every part of his life thereafter.  He eventually began his own business, selling out of the back of his car and was very successful at that, too.   Later on, he rented an office and kept right on selling.  The day came when he could afford to build his own buildings and buy his trucks and cars and hire other salesmen.  So, you see, he had found where he belonged in this life.  

He could not have found it if he was sitting in a classroom just thinking about what he might do.  He had to get out there and try for himself and then he could make up his own mind.  He kept after it until he found exactly what he wanted to do in this life.  He was a very happy sales person for all the rest of his days.

Give it a try. Get some experience and then decide what to do with your life.  And then you, too, will be very successful as you will be happy in what you are doing every day.  I would hate to go to work every day and not love what I was doing.  Take your time.  Make up your own mind where you belong in this life.


1 07 2012

I brought up some things yesterday that had been the norm during the 1950’s. Earlier than that, very few people owned their own homes.  Almost everyone had to rent.  And what they rented was not all that great.  I know my in-laws lived in what I would have described as real dumps.  They laid their own linoleum floors and were always moving around trying to find a better place.  Not a good way to live.

My parents had rented for many years, but then they were finally able to buy their own house.  I remember going to look at the houses for sale.  One was really nice, but it cost $2,200. and they could not afford that one.  They settled on one that was not quite as nice, but still was o.k.  It only cost $2,000.  Payments were $16 a month.  My daddy borrowed the money from the group he worked with because I remember going by to make the payment every month.  He had a good job and was a good man.  Trustworthy, stable, and always taking good care of everyone.  There were my parents and three of us children.  Besides that, he had always taken good care of his mother.  As he said to me one time, she had no one else to take care of her so it was his job.  And he had done that since the age of 5 or 6.  His father had walked out and found someone else and my daddy was hung with providing for his mother.  If you would like to read more of that story, then order my book,  The Real Story for $10 plus $2 postage from Bet at P.O. Box 2249, Benton, AR  72018.   Enjoyment, pure enjoyment.

All us kids were expected to do well in school.  We were not straight A students but pretty close.  We did not get scholarships or anything like that, but we had a very good public school education.  That was back when they taught the necessary three R’s, if you remember, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.  And we learned well.  All of us went to work upon graduation from high school.  I already had a job before I graduated.  Friday night was graduation and I went to work at 8 on Monday morning and was thrilled.  Was a great secretary.  Had a lot to learn, but learned well.  Worked for several years before starting a family.

My brother had worked from the time he was 14 or so.  He stuffed papers at the local newspaper office and delivered items and worked at general stuff.  Then he also had a full time sales job when he graduated from high school.  By that time, he had been working in sales for a local company for several years.  Now, it was just full time instead of part time.  

My sister also went to work early.  In fact, when I was 14, my brother took me to a friend who was hiring for a candidate’s run for governor.  He hired me on the spot thinking I was 16 and I made enough money that year to pay for my own school clothes.  Then my sister, cousin and other friends and myself all got a job during the next governor’s race and had a really great summer.  At that time, everything that went out of the office had to be typed individually, so they needed lots of typists.  We all learned typing in school and were very good on those manual typewriters, so we were well paid and again, bought all our own school clothes.  Life was a lot of fun.  Challenging, full of education, and happiness.  Because we made it that way.

No one in my home argued a lot or had a lot of problems.  We just simply got along because we had to.  There were too many of us not to. We had chickens in the back yard and only one car, and rode the bus everywhere we went.  Wouldn’t have traded that life for anything.

I also have another book entitled #2503 which was our address.  My brother and sister wanted me to write about our growing up years and that was the title I chose.  Probably not a good one, but we all like it.  Same price and same address if you want that book also.  In fact, if you would like 3 books, they are only 3 for $25 plus the postage.  A third book is about the 1940’s and all the changes due to the World War II years.  Exciting, scary, and educational once again.  You will definitely enjoy all these books.  Thanks,  Bet