13 06 2012

I am getting pretty sick and tired of all the manipulation in my daily life.  I want all my stuff back   NOW!!!

I want my light bulbs back.  You know, those simple ones we used for years and years  and they always worked just fine and didn’t burn out too often and everything was really hunky dory.  Then, you have this supposed hot dog  who decided we all needed new light bulbs just because HE said so.  Whoever HE is seems to think he is in charge of the light bulb  world.  I don’t know about you, but these squiggly  things that are supposed to last forever do not.  They burn out more often than the others did.  Or at least that is what I find out when I have to hunt up someone to come and change a light bulb again and again and again.

And then I want that dishwasher detergent back that I used for years and years and years.  It got the dishes clean.  All the time, Every single time.  The guy selling dishwashers says he gets calls all the time that the dishes are not getting clean.  It is not the dishwasher that is at fault.  It is the detergent.  It is terrible.  It is a waste of money.  Pour some in, turn on the dishwasher and if you are lucky, maybe some of the less soiled dishes will get sort of clean.  But most of the flatware looks terrible and is streaked because the dishwasher detergents do not work.  I know we should all be proud because we are saving something somewhere by not having any phosphates in our dishwasher detergent, but frankly, I do not feel that way at all.   God knows we have phosphates in our detergent and he thought that was o.k  for many years. And we really don’t need someone else telling us that they are saving the world for us by taking the phosphates out of the dishwasher detergent.  Next thing, they will be telling us we need to drag our dirty dishes to the river and wash them in the flowing water.

I would also like to have decent gasoline prices back again.  That is political  anyway.  Raise those gas prices sky high and blame it on the conservatives because they did this or that or the other and then gradually lower them until at election time, they will be back where they were before.  Just watch it happen.  That is why the prices are going down now.  Not because the situation has changed but because that is the plan for the gasoline prices and then guess who will take the credit for lowering our gasoline prices.   BULL!!!

These are just a few things I want back  NOW!!!  We used to have a simple world where everything was up to the individual as to what he could and would buy.  Try to buy one of those older light bulbs now.  Not only can you not but the factories have closed and put all those people out of work.  Boy, that was really some savings wasn’t it.

And just yesterday I got a packet of mail all about saving the Alaska Wilderness.  I don’t want to save the Alaska Wilderness.  I think it is perfectly alright if we drill for oil there and use what God has given to us to use.   He made this world and He knows we are going to drill for oil.   It is His Alaska Wilderness.  He will allow us to use it.  Fine with me.  I don’t think I have to save any bears or anything like that.

Not when I see pictures on the TV every day about how the bears that they have saved somewhere are drifting into the  backyards because there are too many of them and they do not have enough food now.  Personally, I don’t think that is too smart on the part of the people who have saved all those bears.  God has been taking care of the number of animals for a long, long time now.  He had it down just right.  And didn’t need the help of any of those who would save all the animals.  The animals were all doing just fine.  Even in my area, the deer come into the yards looking for food because there are now too many deer.  Not allowed to kill them for food.  Oh No!  Just going to save them for whatever someone somewhere had in mind.  But I think they forgot to tell the bears or the deer or  the wolves that don’t seem to be able to find enough food to eat these days.   Another example of not knowing what they are doing- as usual.

How about just a normal world for a change.




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